Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ask... Seek... Knock...

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When I made the decision to leave a secure, good paying job in the financial industry almost 2 years ago to finally finish my bachelor's degree, I knew that I would have to make certain sacrifices.  Obviously the loss of income was a big consideration, but another biggie was medical insurance.  Since I had been a fairly healthy person, going without insurance seemed to be a pretty safe risk.  After all, with the current economy, medical insurance is a luxury that many cannot currently afford.  Whatever came, I would trust God to guide me through it.  For a number of years prior to this decision,  I prayerfully considered changing careers.  One night, in the middle of the night, I was startled awake and was unable to fall back asleep.  I turned on the TV and was instantly intrigued by a story about an online Christian university that was playing on the channel it was tuned to.  An answer to prayer!  I didn't want to attend the big state university downtown and the private Baptist university was expensive and was located in a high crime area of the city.  Neither option appealed to me.  I had considered going to Penn State because they had a fairly developed online degree program.  As I hear about all the troubles that they are having now, I'm glad that I didn't go that route.  So, through prayer I was led to Liberty University.  It has been such a blessing to connect with other Christian students and professors around the country and in other parts of the world.  

Within just a few months of leaving my job, I experienced my first gallbladder attack.  Well this wasn't part of the plan?!  I had faithfully followed where the Holy Spirit was leading me.  Wasn't it supposed to be smooth sailing from then on?  Ummm, not exactly.  He doesn't promise us we won't have hard times when we follow Him, actually Jesus says the opposite is true (Matt 24:9).  We are told, however, that we are to... "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you" (Matt 7:7, NLT).  Over the past year and a half, I have connected with others that have experienced similar things, prayed with friends and strangers, and have relied on God to see me through.  I've learned that when we decide to step out in faith, it doesn't mean until the first bump in the road comes along.  There have been many times that I haven't exactly had a heart of thanksgiving, though.  Every time I begin to feel really ill, I play the "what if" game.  What if I had stayed working until I had the surgery to remove my gallbladder?  What if I had been more thoroughly checked out while I was working?  What if...what can make yourself crazy thinking what if.  All that I have found from this line of thinking is guilt and worry.  On the other hand, when I thank God and truly put my whole trust in Him, I find real peace knowing that He will see me through any challenges that I am facing.  

I recently found insurance that accepts people with pre-existing conditions and will hopefully have surgery next month.  I will be graduating this summer with the degree that I always hoped to have.  God is so good!!